Working time

Opening hours of Zarasai Tourism and Business Information Center and the First World War Exposition

Wednesday 13.00 – 17:00


From the Lithuanian side, we recommend starting the route “In the footsteps of the First World War” either from Zarasai district municipality or upon arrival in the town of Turmantas. We recommend traveling with our prepared guides, whose contacts you will find in the Zarasai Tourism and Business Information Center.

You will find most of the objects of the First World War in Turmantas district, and we suggest starting the route by visiting the First World War exposition in Turmantas. The route is easily modified according to the time and needs of the group.

Turmantas is a town in Zarasai district municipality, 1 km south of the Lithuanian-Latvian state border, 16 km east of Zarasai, near Turmantas lake. Turmantas railway station (section Vilnius–Turmantas). The town is accessible by both train and shuttle buses. Although all facilities are near roads, we recommend traveling the route by bicycle.

The First World War exposition is located in the center of the town of Turmantas, in the Zarasai district. The exposition is set up in the premises of the town of Turmantas. Contact phone – +37062023114. Address: Tilžės st. 21, 32203 Turmantas

Coordinates of the First World War exposition in Turmantas

655106, 6175823 (LKS)

55.692257, 26.467164 (WGS)

55° 41′ 32.13″, 26° 28′ 1.79″ (WGS)

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